Sunday, September 22, 2024

Day 4410:: Madrid's Red Sphere, and Costco.


"Passage": junk collage.


Want music?


Click : Tevin Campbell, I'm Ready.




     Madrid's Red Sphere  

Cube of Scaffolding Encloses a Glowing Red Sphere, 25 Meters Above Madrid

As a visual metaphor for the intensity and urgency of the ongoing climate crisis, urban artist SpY erected a luminous orb that towers nearly 25 meters above Madrid’s Plaza de Colón. The large-scale work, titled “Tierra,” features a cage of construction scaffolding that encloses the massive sphere, creating a contrast between the two geometric shapes and casting a brilliant red glow on the surrounding area. Set against the backdrop of the bustling Spanish city, the installation “asks us to reflect on the way in which our home makes up a whole of which we form part and in which everything is connected as if it were a living creature,” the artist says.

SpY is known for his public interventions, including ironic installations and a temporary park in the middle of Madrid, where he currently lives. Follow his upcoming projects on Instagram.

Yesterday I went to Costco, 

always a bigger deal than I think it will be. I went early and the stores that shop there were still there with their big flat-bed carts.

Leisurely looking/ shopping was out this day, more like bumper' carts, but most were patient.

Yes, they had several colorful Christmas trees on display. And I counted three aisles of gifts. It's still September, right?

Every aisle crowded and every check-out lane full.

I was thinking they could hand out survivor patience certificates when they check your cart as you leave? You do feel like you've gone through a gauntlet. I cancelled my stop at Trader Joe's till tomorrow.


A 1+  minute video,  Red Sphere, Madrid, here

Just because ...
Blue-Grey Gnat Catcher



Sunday's Smiles ...  








Carrol Wolf said...

Hi Jacki,
Thank you, as usual, for posting such an interesting blog. I loved the video and your photos of the art installation. You noted your Cosco shopping. I got home last night about 9:30pm from two long flights from Ireland and went right to bed. Got up around 6:00am, looked in the frig, went onto Amazon fresh and ordered 46 items. They arrived this morning between 9-11am. I was walking Bentley and they arrived around 10. I put them away while talking to Stan, who is in the Czech Republic for 10 days visiting relatives. I have a bad cold, but because my grocery shopping is basically done, I can now unpack suitcases. If you have not tried Amazon, you might want to. It saves my gas, my time, and my taking a chance on getting mugged. I
m still reading the story about the Chinese woman, Vera. But hey, the author said she was old, then later mentioned that she was 60! That's not even the "new middle age" of 70! Have we got something to tell her!LOL!

elenor said...

Never seen such stores as Costco. I think I'd feel quite lost. I'm grateful we still have some smaller shops. We do have shopping cities with many dozens of shops but I hate them. So being there once or twice a year is enough.

jacki long said...

Thank you, Carrol, and WELCOME HOME! I am sure your trip was wonderful and that Stan's is continuing to be so. I am to cheap to pay Amazon's monthly charge for prime, as I don't order much or often. Costco is off-limits in December, but they keep starting earlier??

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor. I on't blame you, I like the smaller markets too. Have a great week.