Thursday, September 19, 2024

Day 4407: Champion Powerlifter, and Demura Sensei, TBT.


"Lessons", collage, photo, ink, digital.




Want music?


Click : Maze, Happy Feelings





Introducing the inimitable Nora Langdon. When this former Realtor entered retirement, simply walking up a flight of stairs was tiring, so she started working with a personal trainer to get in shape. At first, she could only squat with a broomstick on her shoulders — but she “heard a  voice” in her head that told her to try again. 

She did, and now 16 years later, she’s one of the best senior powerlifters in the world. Now 81, Langdon has set several national and world records for her age and weight class and can bench press over 200 lbs and deadlift 425 lbs. 

She’s so intimidatingly powerful that she’s sent younger men in the gym packing. "They couldn’t believe what I was doing,” Langdon remembered of a group of men who left the gym while she was lifting. “They said, ‘There’s no way I’m going to compete with a grandma.’” This grandma still loves what she does years after she first got into professional powerlifting, and she has no plans to retire (again). She encourages her fellow seniors to get up and move, even if they’re not squatting with hundreds of pounds on their shoulders.  “You’ve heard it all your life — when you retire, you sit down, do nothing, watch TV,” she said. “That’s the worst thing you can do … Keep that body moving until the Lord call you home.” 

Inspiring 3 minute video, here. A great 16 minute interview, here.

Throwback Thursday ...
Demura Sensei

Almost a smile, but to get a real smile ...

add a pretty girl ...

Demura Sensei and Mei Okumura

or a pretty girl and her dog.

Demura Sensei, Yuki and Mei Okumura, photo by Masa Okumura

Or, long time friends.
May 16,2017 Receiving an award from the Mayor of the City of Santa Ana, with Carole & George Suzuki

and anytime spent with students, friends & family.


A 4+ minute video, Joy & Heron, here

Just because ...

Bobwhite Quail



Thursday's Smiles ...








1 comment:

elenor said...

"Keep that body moving until the Lord calls you home." We need to hear this again and again. Older women can be so inspiring - as is Demura Sensei. Thanks, Jacki for reminding.