Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Day 4391: Returning Home, and a Busy Sunday..

"Aggression": junk collage, digital.


Want music?


Click : Robin Wilson, I'll Remember You.




Returning Home

Writer and scholar Sven Spieker considers how student graffiti in Southeastern European elementary schools inspired Petrit Halilaj’s rooftop commission.

Petrit Halilaj’s rooftop commission, ABETARE (2024), consists of sculptures based on student graffiti—a constellation of words, images, and symbols from scribbles found on the desks of his former elementary school in the village of Runik, in the artist’s native Kosovo. 

While Halilaj’s text-based sculptures contain potentially intelligible words and messages, the way in which these words are deployed in space—behind and on top of each other, extended into space—makes their deciphering difficult, screening the installation’s text from becoming fully transparent to the viewer.

Sculpture are only partially neutralized by the elegance and aesthetic allure of these art objects. Nowhere is this felt as intensely as in the case of the large spider that stands on the Museum’s roof. Spiders are symbols of patience and persistence, yet as arachnids

Understood as a set of sculptural drawings that translate into three dimensions—a series of two-dimensional symbols and letters connected to the artist’s biography—the objects installed on the rooftop of The Met may additionally be interpreted as the artist’s self-portrait. 

To read and see the entire articles, click here.

Sunday before church we drove out to check on the love birds condo's progress. It is really lovely.

Raquel has a "boot" on as her ankle heals.

There is a huge sports park directly across from them.  

We met Zack, GH#3 at Eastside Church for the 11 o'clock service. Zack helps with the high school kids. WonderWoman is a greeter when in town, Superman is security. They were in New Jersey, Superman officiated a wedding. After church we four went for lunch at Casa Don Juan, a festive venue where they make the tortillas as needed.

Raquel, Grandma, "shy" Zack, Jordan.

After a great Mexican meal, we went to bowl at a 72 lane alley. I bowled last time, but not this time, so Raquel and I were cheerleaders! No pictures, but we had a fun time.

As you read this I am either on my way flying home on Jet Suite, or have arrived and been met by my second daughter, Cheryl 

who will meet and take me home. 
I love her too, I am so blessed.


A 2 minute video, Elderly Lady Paints,  here

Just because ...
Sandhill Cranes


Tuesday's Smiles ...  







Happy Birthday, Seishiro!



Carrol Wolf said...

This artist's work reminded me a little of Keith Haring sculptures. (I, of course, bought the pop-up book, after you blogged on it!) Your time with grandhunks is always fun to see. There were some great photos of you in this blog also. And I have seen the photo of that woman, but it's so fun to watch again. Thank you, as usual.

jacki long said...

Thank you, Carrol. Yes , it has been a fun trip I leave at 1pm. Have a wonderful, safe trip as usual, hope to see you later when the dust settles. ;o)

elenor said...

Love your family pics, Jacki! You look so happy!

Cheryl said...

I love you too, Mom#2!!