Thursday, April 25, 2024

Day 4260: Ishigami's Restaurant, Anting, TBT 1984



"Battle": junk mail collage.



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Click : Marron 5, Memories




Junya Ishigami’s cavernous restaurant in Yamaguchi has been awarded the coveted, prestigious 
2024 Architectural Institute of Japan Award.

Click here to see a 2 minute video of how it was made.

(Thanks to "Rad Nana" for this update)

Photographer Tony Austin was at the tail-end of a 3-hour nature walk recently when a murder of crows landed nearby. When one of the crows started “acting strangely,” Austin began photographing it.
Unbelievable but true!
Anting is a maintenance behavior during which birds rub insects, usually ants, on their feathers and skin. The bird may pick up the insects in its bill and rub them on the body (active anting), or the bird may lie in an area of high density of the insects and perform dust bathing-like movements (passive anting). Mr. Austin's observation was a behavior where crows landed on an anthill and allowed ants to infest their feathers. The ants then spray formic acid on their feathers. This acid will act as an insecticide, fungicide, and bactericide that will rid the bird of all its disease-causing pathogens!

What does “murder of crows” mean?

The crow's association with death as a result of its tendency to scavenge on the battlefield probably led to the sinister term ' murder of crows '. A murder of crows had roosted in the tree and were cawing loud enough to wake the whole neighbourhood. A whole murder of crows took off from the lawn.

MURDER OF CROWS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

(I am just reporting, I was clueless!)

Demura Sensei - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

L-R: with Jacki Long, Pat Sanchez and Mark Martinez



A 4 minute video, Trapped,  here
Just because ...



 Thursday's Smiles ...  








elenor said...

What a lovely Throwback Thursday foto. You were such a pretty young lady, Jacki.

Carrol Wolf said...

Hi Jacki,

Wow! What an incredible structure that restaurant certainly is. Don't know if I could make it down the steps that have no handrail. (But if given the chance, I would try!)

You looked beautiful then, you look beautiful now. (We just have a different kind, and it's good. Otherwise we'd be dead! LOL!)

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, that was 40 years ago and a fun night in Pittsburgh.
We were there for a tournament.

jacki long said...

Thanks Carrol,
I love the creative architecture, but not so sure about being underground. I am claustrophobic!Congratulations son all of your awards and beautiful work, I catch up on FB. Take good care. Hi to Stan and Bentley too!