Sunday, April 21, 2024

Day 4256: Something borrowed and a questionnaire.



"Opinions": junk mail collage.



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Something borrowed

Shannon Jackson (right) and their new spouse Calivé share a moment with the couple (left) that lent them their own wedding rings.

Every good wedding has to have one teensy, tiny crisis. For Calivé and Shannon Jackson, everything was going according to plan as they exchanged vows on the sands of Playa Del Carmen on December 16, 2023. The couple had decided to elope, hopping a plane from their home in Trinidad and Tobago to the beaches of Mexico for a celebration all to themselves.

“We love to travel and be in love in different places,” Calivé Jackson told CNN. “We love all the things anyone with the appropriate amount of joie de vivre loves: making memories and collecting as many experiences as possible.”They were about to collect another one.

By this point, the Jacksons were well aware that even intimate weddings have dozens of little details to account for. They had planned the event for a year and were sure they had everything down. But what they couldn’t plan for was the enormity of the day, the emotions that come from setting aside planning for doing, for finally getting to focus completely on their love.

“Shannon and I were so unbelievably nervous,” Jackson said. “We were suddenly in the moment, shocked that we were really there and about to get married. So naturally everything was a blur.”

There were tears. (Every good wedding needs some of those, too.) As they said their vows, the newly-minted Jacksons were, in Calivé’s words, “a blubbering mess.” “It was pretty embarrassing how we were crying so hard,” she said. Then, the officiant asked for their wedding rings to seal the deal. The rings? The rings!! Shannon patted their pockets, one after the other and then again. No rings. The searching got a little more frantic. 

“Mayday, mayday!” their photographer Ezequiel Marcellini called. “We’ve lost the rings!

“Everything paused all at once then, everyone started looking; us, our wedding planner, our officiant,” Jackson said. “Someone ran back to our room and still didn’t find them, we searched our photographer’s backpack and didn’t find them either.” Then an Argentinian husband and wife saw something had gone sideways, approached the distressed couple. “They came over and were so excited for us, crying almost as hard as we were,” Jackson said. Once they realized what was wrong, the Argentinian couple offered their own wedding rings without a second thought. 

The unknown Argentinian couple, showing their support.

Finishing the ceremony with a pair of borrowed rings wasn’t the Jacksons’ original plan, but that’s the thing about small crises: They really make you appreciate the moment. Calivé and Shannon got back in their places, said what needed to be said and slid the rings on each others’ hands.

“We didn’t think they would fit,” Jackson said. “But they fit so perfectly it felt like some kind of magic.” There was, of course, more crying after that. The two couples exchanged “thank yous” and “congratulations,” and posed for a few pictures that will undoubtedly have a special place in the Jackson’s wedding album.

By the time the excitement ebbed and the Argentinian couple had gone on their way (with their rings back), Calivé Jackson realized she didn’t even get their names. She did, however, honor them with a post on X that attracted tons of love, both for the newlywed couple and the kind strangers who stepped in to make their wedding even more special.

“We are beyond grateful. Our wedding day was already special because we were there to celebrate our love, our happiness, the home we built with each other and we thought we were there alone,” Jackson said.. “But it turns out we weren’t. People celebrate wherever love is, and we got to share our moment with so many people that were so happy for us. We can never thank those two enough for that.”

The Jacksons did end up finding their rings. They were nestled in a pouch in the bottom corner of an equipment bag - at the wedding all along.

Shannon and Calivé Jackson celebrate their wedding in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.


                     Answering a questionnaire???

I received a questionnaire today, about "you and your significant other." Why they sent it to me, I dunno? Okay, here goes ...

(me & my significant other)

Here’s our story: Mac Pro and me.

How you met: the Apple Store.
First date: My office.
How many years together: 39 years (different models)
Who was interested first: Definitely me.
Who is taller: Me.
Difference in age: 78+ years
Who said I love you first: I think me. 
Most impatient: definitely me
Most sensitive: me, for sure. 
Loudest: me.
Cooks better: me, when I do.
Better morning person: him.
Best Driver: me.
Most competitive: probably me.



A 10  minute video, How Hermes Baags are made,  here

                                Just because ...

Buff Laced Polish Chicken




                             Sunday's Smiles ...  












elenor said...

Life writes the best stories. Nobody could've thought out this funny "Something borrowed".
Have a great new week, Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, I am glad you liked the story! Happy Sunday and wishing you a great week ahead.

john said...

Of course you had me with the inclusion of red. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks, John! It does seem to be a recurring necessity? ;o)