Monday, April 8, 2024

Day 4243 : Paper Portraits and What Do You See?



"Dissected":collage, inks, dgital


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Click : Justin Timberlake, Suit and Tie





Guardabosques’ Meticulous Paper Portraits Celebrate Diverse Bat Species in ‘Little Friends of Darkness’

Desmodus rotundus. All images © Guardabosques,

Bats can be found nearly everywhere on the planet, except for extreme deserts and the poles, and there are more than 1,400 species with an incredible variety of traits. The tiniest is Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, also known as a “bumblebee bat,” because it’s less than 1.5 inches long and weighs only two grams. Then there’s the giant golden-crowned flying fox, which boasts a wingspan of more than five feet and weighs up to three pounds.


Nycteris grandis

For Buenos Aires-based studio Guardabosques, the mind-boggling variety of the winged mammals inspires Amiguitos de la Oscuridad, or “little friends of darkness,” a continuing project—with its own Instagram account—capturing expressive likenesses in meticulously folded paper. Juan Nicolás Elizalde, who is half of the studio’s creative team, began the series five years ago, fascinated by the animals’ myriad ear shapes, snouts, fur, and colors.


Pteropus capistratus

Where Desmodus rotundus exhibits large, pointy ears and a pale nose, Nycteris grandis’s powerful ears shoot up like a rabbit’s, and Anoura fistulata’s long face and tongue are perfectly suited for reaching into crevices to catch insects. In their Guardabosques’ guises, the specimens are crafted from colored paper precisely scored, cut, and folded to shape each characteristic detail.

Clockwise from top left: Balantiopteryx io, Euderma maculatum, Hipposideros commersoni, and Vampyrum spectrum

 Guardabosques is about to launch on Patreon, and you can follow updates on the studio’s Instagram.

Anoura fistulata

Diphylla ecaudata




I collect old photos, mostly from my own family, but also if I see something interesting. The above photo fits in the latter category. What's the story?


A 3+ minute video,  Brushing , here
Just because ...


Monday's Smiles ...  













elenor said...

Your collage is terrific, Jacki and it makes me thinking a lot. Why are so many people dissected and what can we do to heal them? There won't be simple answers to these questions. Maybe it already helps if we can make somebody smile each day?
Jacki, your blog is priceless. Thank you!

jacki long said...

Thanks again, Elenor. Yes, this world can be a heavy load. My Dad always said, don't worry about the thi8ngs you can't control?