Sunday, March 31, 2024

Day 4235: Happy Easter, and the Easter Bunny.


"Aware":  old photo, junk collage, digital.



Want music?



Click : Deniece Williams, Gonna Take a Miracle.





Lookin' dapper

Photo: Helen Wright

Not just for Easter, but sort of related? A pair of eight-year-olds at Chelsea Elementary in Maine started a very cool new trend that's all about being yourself. It's called "Dapper Wednesdays," and every week, people who want to join in dress to the nines for a fashion-filled day. Now, the important thing is that everyone feels good in what they wear. "(You can) wear what you want and just say ‘ I don’t care if somebody bullies me. I'm who I can be,'" said student James Ramage. The school's administration loves it and has even started a "dapper closet" so any kid can find something fun to wear. Cool?

Sometimes things don’t go, after all,
from bad to worse. Some years, muscadel
faces down frost; green thrives; the crops don’t fail.
Sometimes a man aims high, and all goes well.

A people sometimes will step back from war,
elect an honest man, decide they care
enough, that they can’t leave some stranger poor.
Some men become what they were born for.

Sometimes our best intentions do not go
amiss; sometimes we do as we meant to.
The sun will sometimes melt a field of sorrow
that seemed hard frozen; may it happen for you.

- "Sometimes," by British poet and author Sheenagh Pugh 

Natural Confusion

When young Wonder Woman was about three, Aunt Vonda and I decided we should let her visit the Easter Bunny at South Coast Plaza.

On the way, we mentioned that she would get to visit the Easter Bunny. Our tone told her it was something special. Once in the huge mall, there was excitement in the air. Then as we could see the crowd in the distance, we could see a really tall Easter Bunny.

What we didn't anticipate, was that a three year old might be expecting a small, small than her, soft, furry, cuddly bunny like in her picture books. So, a giant, non-cuddly, not soft bunny who walked on his back legs was just not right. Terrifying in fact.

I can still hear her saying, "I do-not want to meet the bunny!" and again, and again. We didn't make her do it, but we did try to explain and let her watch others meet the Easter Bunny. Instead we moved on to the carousel, where riding on colored animals was okay.


A 4+ minute video, Buffet , here
Just because ...
Bird of Paradise

Sunday's Smiles ... 











Betty Cotton said...


Wishing you a very Happy and Peaceful Easter surrounded with your loving family! Thank you from the depths of my heart for lifting us all up with your artistic self and all that you present to us! The other day, I was organizing some things in my "creative/workplace office" and came across the wonderful sketch books and tiny ringed collage booklets I got from you when I was attending your art class! I thank you again for preparing the canvas for me to explore myself into the art of paint, colors, collage, and enjoying the time spent creating whatever! Since then I have ventured out and its been a special lifeline for me when I want to just listen to music, play and have fun amidst all the "to do's"!!

Carrol Wolf said...

Hi Jacki,

I totally agree with all of Betty's comment: you make life better and more fun for all of us that follow your blog. Have a wonderful Easter Day. Big hug, because those are good for you!

Anonymous said...

Had my grandson at the Knotts Berry Farm Hotel dining room. He was playing with his food and not behaving very well. I told him he’d better behave or Snoopy would be upset. I no sooner said that and a giant Snoopy walked thru the door!! Matthew kept his little head down, ate every bite and never said another word.

elenor said...

Jacki, I only could repeat Carrol's words. I'm totally with her - and Betty.
Big hug and

Irene said...

I ditto what all of your friends above said. You are a blessing. Love and miss you! xo Irene

jacki long said...

Wow, thanks Betty, you flatter me. It is wonderful to hear from you, and of course I appreciate you seasonally generated LARSON GREETINGS, THANK YOU AGAIN!

jacki long said...

Thanks, Carrol, big hugs back to you! ;o)

jacki long said...

Thank you Anonymous, great story! Your words ake it come to life! Who are you?????

jacki long said...

Thank you Elenor, you are so kind. ;o)

jacki long said...

Thank you, dear Irene.
I love hearing from you.