Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Day 4209: Kohl and Family.

"Save the Children": collage, photo, digital


Want music?



Click here: Bruno Mars, Leave the Door Open.





Who Knew?

Kohl, the dramatic black substance used as eye makeup in the Middle East and North Africa, has a fascinating history. In ancient Egypt, it wasn't just used for beautification purposes, it was also thought to offer protection. On a spiritual level, people thought it would protect against the "evil eye," which signifies a curse or an ill-intentioned glance. On a practical level, it may also have provided some relief against the harsh desert sun. It's still way more than eyeliner today -- kohl is used in medicinal and religious practices, too. 

Read the whole story here



After Carole, Cheryl and I left Nevada on Thursday, GH#2, Jake, flew in on Friday ...

(GH#2) Jake, (Superman)Bassel, (GH#3)Zack, (GH#1) Jordan

(GH#2) Jake, Wonder Woman, (GH#1) Jordan, (GH#3) Zack

Zack, Jordan, Jake and Raquel

They went to a casino Saturday night

Racquel (Rocky) and Jordan

and the Superheroes ...

SM  & WW

Looks like a fun night.


A 3+ minute video, A Day in the Hive, here.
Just because ...



Tuesday's Smiles ...  








elenor said...

Jacki, you must be so happy and proud when you look at these photos.
I also love your last smile. It's so wise but for me it's not so easy to follow. That's what I have to remember and practice each day. Thanks for the reminder.

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenoe. Have a wonderful eek, and maybe a collage?