Sunday, July 17, 2022

Day 3619: 4-H



"Prayers": photos, ink, acrylic & digital.


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2GN2S ... 

Duck 'soldiers' became this 300-year-old winemaker's secret weapon

These ducks are working so hard. Vergenoegd Löw The Wine Estate, a winery in Cape Town, South Africa, employs about 1,600 ducks to help ward off pests around their precious grapevines. 

Troops of flightless Indian Runner ducks are cajoled on a 14-day circuit through the vineyard, eating and fertilizing the ground as they go. 

Vineyard staff got the idea from rice paddy workers in Asia, where ducks are used for similar purposes.

 South Africa's wine industry is something of a tastemaker in the business, so the practice may be spreading soon. Duck eggs from the industrious little fowl are even served in the vineyard's restaurant. But not the ducks, of course! "That would be like eating a colleague," says Gavin Moyes, the estate's tasting room manager.

 More information and a short video, here.



Update ...

Cousin news!

As reported here, cousin "Lucie’s wedding cake dress for wearable arts division of 4-H. Made of cardboard, hula hoops and caulk.

Lucie's Mom, Sheryl let me know that "Lucie was very excited. She got Champion in her division and Reserve Grand Champion overall on construction . The Dress next to her is made out of garbage bags with a corset top- I didn’t get a photo of the back, but it laced up with the yellow handle ties. It was very intricate and was champion for the oldest division and Grand Champion overall. Lucie was reserve champion in Modeling. I don’t have photos yet because I was backstage."

Sheryl daughter, Lucie's older sister "Masin got champion and reserve grand for her gift wrap project and was reserve champion in rifle for the advanced division"! 
Sheryl sail, "I didn’t see Abbi.  I heard she did get reserve champion in modeling. ❤️
More news as it becomes available.

I e-mailed Alana, Abbi's grandmother and Lucie and Masin's Aunt, about how well the girls did and how proud they must be. I loved her answer: "So very proud of all of them! Children & grand children (pretty amazing). I (Alana) was in 4-H for 10 years. 5 of my 6 children were also in 4-H for 10 years. Austin decided after 7 years he didn’t want to be in 4-H any longer. Now he tells me he wishes he had finished his last 3 years. Ahh regrets.

And, Alana's Mom, my Cousin Katha, Abbi's Great Grandmother, was in 4-H. I remember visiting her summers in Indiana and one whole wall was filled with blue ribbons! As I remember Katha participated in almost every category, showing sheep, cooking, sewing, science and more. I have always admired 4-H and my talented cousins.

A lovely 8-minute video, washi, here.

Just because ...
Golden-breasted Starling


Smiles for Sunday ...





                                                               Thanks for coming by today



elenor said...

Congratulations to the 2 talented girls. They so deserve this success.

Every day I try to realize what I'm grateful for. Your list of Tiny Happy Things adds perfectly. Thanks for reminding me.
Jacki, have a good start into the new week.

john said...

Love the vibrancy. :-)

jacki long said...

Thank ELenor! I think it is a juggling act to remain thankful and yet get bombarded with the news!Have a happy week!

jacki long said...

Thanks, John. I needed to do some color! ;o)