Saturday, July 27, 2024

Day 4353: Two Artists: A Collaborative Mural, a yummy EASY recipe.


"Territories": junk college, inks.



Want music?


Click : Lyle Lovett, Pants are overated.





A Collaborative Mural by Vhils and Bordalo II 

Celebrates the Legacy of Charles Darwin

Published 165 years ago, Charles Darwin’s seminal On the Origin of Species founded our modern understanding of evolutionary biology. He keenly observed wildlife in its native habitats and the similarities between animals around the world—including humans—describing how, through natural selection, populations evolve through branching pattern over time.


Darwin is often misquoted as saying humans evolved from apes, but he actually acknowledged that humans and primates descended from a common ancestor that lived millions of years ago. With the advent of DNA testing in the late 20th century, scientists have determined that humans and chimpanzees share a staggering 98.8 percent sequence identity. Yet with a single human cell containing roughly three billion bits of information called base pairs, a 1.2 percent difference means there are about 35 million ways we can still be different.

Artists Vhils and Bordalo II recently teamed up for a collaborative mural titled “Origin,” celebrating the renowned 19th-century scientist as part of Cor de Chelas Festivalin Lisbon. On the left side, Vhils carved Darwin’s likeness from the material of the wall itself, while Bordalo II constructed the face of a chimpanzee from found scraps of plastic, rubber, and other materials fastened with screws. Together, the man and our close relative align in a single, unified presence as a reminder that we are inextricably linked.

“Origin” also led to a limited-edition print, titled “Evolution,” which the artists augmented with original marks. A new edition of the print is tentatively scheduled for early next year. Find more on Vhils’ Instagram, as well as Bordalo II’s account.

Yesterday, I made a recipe that I had read somewhere, and thought I would remember. And I did, sorta? I even took photos, but they don't really "do it justice".

It only had three real ingredients, so that helped.

#1. A handful of grated cheese into a non-stick frying pan. I used a 1/2 teaspoon of butter because my non-stick pan no longer can answer to that name. But, I'm sure without the butter,  in this rare case would be preferable. I aimed for tortilla -size but underestimated. Grill on both sides. Next, and this is important (but I didn't take a photograph) you drape the cheesy thing oner something that will give it a fold as it sets. 

I hadn't thought ahead, so I was dashing aaround trying to find something to drape it on before it set up! I settled on a cereal bowl, but you can do better. The idea is to bend it into a taco shape to receive the second ingredient a slice or two of avocado. Yes, you could use quacamole, but then you might as well have guacamole and chips ... which would be easier. Third ingredient, squeeze fresh lemon juice on top! Done. 

I added some heirloom carrots because I could already hear you saying I needed some veggies, so there!

Of course you can add any goodies that appeal to you, but try one with just the ingredients, please? Amazing. I had three for my supper last night. Where has this been all my life?


A 1+ minute video, threads, here
Just because ...
Spot-breasted Oriole



Saturday's Smiles ...  






elenor said...

Love your collage, Jacki!
Yesterday I missed your blog - read it just now and liked it! - because I was watching the opening of the olympic games in Paris. Did you see the ceremony too? It was so very great, I couldn't believe this was possible!
Have a fine Sunday, Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor. I am so glad you were able to see the Olympics opening ceremonies. Yes, they were really fantastic. I've seen many, but this was by far the best! Wow!