Sunday, July 14, 2024

Day 4340: Day or Night Person? Artificial Intelligence?


"Upheaval": junk collage, inks, digital.



Want music?



Click : Smokey Robinson, Being With You.





Are you a day or night person?

I guess this would ultimately boil down to the long-hackneyed morning people vs. night people. Morning people being those who wake with delight, eager to rise and pursue their destiny at ungodly hours of the early morning. I have never experienced that, except once when I was taking a newly-produced vitamin (USA brand) that provided blissful sleep and waking in a clear, alert mode, which was new to me. Alas, that company went out of business and I returned to waking like a sloth. I’ve always wondered what ingredient was responsible for my biological change? I'll never know, long gone.

Night people, by default, would be productive in the later hours of their day. I truly think I was born an “either-one”. I don’t recall being particularly strong or weak at any hour.  It is possible that I just don’t remember.  But I do know when I officially became a real night person. I had three jobs one summer before my Sophomore year. One was working for Kodak. It was a graveyard shift, midnight till 8:30 am.  My job was to clean film, which shows how long ago, since film use now is minimal.  Obviously, this was not an executive position, in fact it was likely, soon replaced with a machine that would not care to take time out to look at the film being cleaned.  

There is a reason they call that shift graveyard. At break I would join the older cadavers in the commissary, and it was not a pretty sight. I remember asking what they did during the day? The answers varied from going to the beach to getting the kids to school and housework. Everyone had found a solution to how to handle the rest of their day with what they had left to work with. I was the youngest, so body fuel economy was not yet a blip on the radar.  Now that I think about it, I was not converted to being a night person. It was a necessity, like joining a union, something I had to do for the job, in order to make the money. Night person training was to be a valuable skill at college. 

Oh college! I think most people my age would have to say 

that. It’s been quite awhile, but when I think back there is an involuntarily pause that happens. It is such a blissful, stressful, how many adjectives abound. I don’t think anyone there really realizes what a great time it is until it has passed, never to be reconstituted, though Lord knows we’ve tried. To attend the university, you must convert to night person. Okay, I’m sure there are students who both rise and go to bed early, but I wouldn’t trust them! It’s just not normal at that time of your life.  What is normal is to put off assignments until they are literally hammering at your skull and due the next morning. Normal is choosing to fill each day with most of the things you weren’t able to do in high school. Social activities take on an equal importance and are justly honored. It is after all, one’s duty to experience and grow, and if you can pick up a degree on the way, bravo!


What do you think about AI?

My son-in-law, Superman, aka Super Dad ...

enjoys all the advantages of modern technology. He can work everything in his smart house from his I phone and more. So when AI became available, he explained it to me and had me try it out. Since I was working on a blog, I directed "it" to create a blog for me. It did but it was too long. So I limited the length and it corrected to that length. Amazing, all from my phone? That's my total experience, but I noticed I can take an AI course almost everywhere, including my local alma mater, UCI. Will I? I doubt it. 

DYK, Amazon AI chatbot Rufus is now live for all US customers


A 5 minute video, Mother, here

Just because ...
Clay-colored Thrush



Sunday's Smiles ...  








1 comment:

Carrol Wolf said...

Happy Sunday, Jacki,

I especially liked your blog today. The video was charming in both its story and the graphics used. Your artwork had some many images in it that I could see. It drew me in I used to be able to be both a morning and a night person! Now I sort of choose day by day, depending on what is going on in my life. I still try to be the back up for my daughter and my brother: oh, and did I forget to say Stan also. Your funnies and thoughts are always a joy. Except I must say: this current situation with a liar, cheat and would be king versus an honest man who is no longer capable of being a leader in such a position is driving me to dispair. What will we be leaving to our grandchildren? I would love to meet you somewhere for lunch at your convenience and right now Fridays or the weekends are better for me. So look at your calendar and let me know a couple of days if that sounds fun to you. Thank you for brightening the days of your followers.