Monday, July 22, 2024

Day 4348: Bamboo , Travelers and Graffiti


"Warfare": acrylics, inks, watercolors.


Want music?



Click : Supremes, Someday We'll Be Together.





Some facts about bamboo:

1.Fast Growth: Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant in the world. It has been recorded at growing 47.6 inches in 24 hours. Some species can even grow over a meter per day under optimal conditions. A new bamboo shoot reaches its full height in less than a year.

2. Oxygen Release: A grove of bamboo releases 35% more oxygen than any other tree out there.

3. Carbon Dioxide Absorption: Bamboo absorbs carbon dioxide at a rate of 17 tons per hectare every year. It can act as a valuable carbon sink given how fast the plant grows.

4. No Fertilizer Required: Bamboo doesn’t need fertilizer to grow. It can self-mulch by dropping its leaves and use the nutrients to grow.

5. Drought Resistance: Bamboos are drought-tolerant plants. They can grow in the desert.

6. Wood Replacement: Bamboos can be harvested in 3-5 years compared to the 20-30 years of most softwood trees.

7. Building Material: Bamboo is incredibly strong and sturdy. It has been used as support for concrete as well as scaffolding, bridges, and houses.

8. Soil Stability: Bamboo has a wide network of underground roots and rhizomes that prevent soil erosion.

9. Natural Air Conditioner: Bamboo cools the air surrounding it by up to 8 degrees in the summer.

10. Invasiveness: Some species of bamboo, especially ‘running’ bamboos, can be invasive due to their extensive root systems, which allow them to spread rapidly. However, not all species are invasive, and with proper management, the environmental impact can be minimized.
Organizer Bamboo Nursery

Kuronushi, from the series ‘Six Immortal Poets (Rokkasen)’ (c. 1789-90).
Chōbunsai Eishi (Japanese, 1756-1829).

This is a real update, my family is all over the place. They send pictures and I am sharing with you, okay? First of all, a picture of the future bride and groom (Oct'2025) in front of their home to be. It's supposed to be ready in December, but looks like sooner to me?

Jordan and Raquel

Zack (GH#3) is in the Ozarks, for work, something about picking up a boat with his boss. I begged for a photo, so he did. Thanks, Zack!


WonderWoman and Superman are in Nashville, TN. with friends and business partners, Tina and Larry. First time there for some.

WW, Tins, Larry, SM

WW sent some movies, but I'm still not smart enough to know how to add them to this silly blog? 

from the room

I had heard that they have some great graffiti in Nashville, and it turns out that WW and Tina went to 12 South and sent me a great link, here. Here's one.


Looks like a good trip, they always have fun!


A 6+ minute graphic video, Oh Sheep, here

Just because ...
Prothonotary Warbler



Monday's Smiles ...  








Irene said...

Happy Monday, Jacky xoxoxo Irene

Anonymous said...

as usual another awesome blog,great digital and WW tales. And a wedding. That girl doesn't even come up to his shoulder standing on her tip toes

Anonymous said...

but I really liked the little boy reading a book by the book box. jeri

elenor said...

Lovely family pics, Jacki. I can feel how you miss them!
Plants growing through concrete are true heroes for me.