Monday, July 15, 2024

Day 4341:Simple Exaggeration, Annual Picnic.

"Casualties": junk collage, inks, digital.


Want music?



Click : Gladys Knight, Midnight Train to Georgia.





Exaggeration inspired by the animal. kingdom.

Artist, Helga Stengel creates art with the help of her clothesline.


Annual Genbu-Kai Dojo Potluck Picnic

A story. Demura Sensei always had the picnic on a Sunday and it usually fell on Father's Day. Since it was problematic for some members, I said "Sensei, it's on Father's Day", and he said, "I know." 

Kevin Suzuki, Colin Morris, me, Zack & Jacob Salloum

Off to the picnic.Kevin and Colin had gone to the park early to save our traditional spot next to the baseball diamond. I had expected Jake (GH#@) to pick me up at 11 and When he came, he brought GH#3, Zack who drove in last night from Nevada to surprise me. I was greatly surprised. So above was us on the way to Irvine Park.

A smaller group, some had previous plans, some came early and left early, some even came after the photo, but the tradition is still alive even though we dearly missed Demura Sensei, our leader and inspiration..


A 5 minute video,  Racing bugs,  here

Just because ...
Black-capped Chickadee



Monday's Smiles ...  






elenor said...

Jacki, it makes me happy to see you with your dear grandhunks and dear friends. I'm sure you all could feel Demura Sensei's spirit while meeting and he surely was happy you all came together to honor him.

jacki long said...

Yes, I am sure Demura Sensei was happy. Next year will no doubt be bigger.
Thanks Elenor for you regular support, it is a big help to me.