Monday, July 1, 2024

Day 4327: Tennessee Tech heroes, Fascinating People.


"Lies": junk mail collage, digital.



Want music?



Click : Michael Johnson, You Are Not Alone.





A handy addition
Tennessee middle school student Aubrey Sauvie, 12, was born without hands, but she still figured out how to jam on the drums by holding the drumsticks in the creases of her elbows. She's retired that technique thanks to a generous gift from a group of college engineering students who created a custom pair of 3D-printed hands. Ten Tennessee Technological University students made the special prosthetics as part of a dynamics of machinery class during the spring semester for Aubrey, who was born as a triple congenital amputee. Her band director knew of a program at Tennessee Tech called Tech Engineering for Kids that 
involves students working in teams to design custom assistive technologies for children with special needs in the Middle Tennessee region. The team worked with Aubrey throughout the process, asking for her feedback so the hands fit her — and her drum set — just right.

Aubrey Sauvie, who was born with no hands and a partially amputated left foot, breaks boards for her second-degree black belt in taekwondo

read more here.

I've never met someone who wasn't fascinating in some way, given the time, patience and safety to reveal themselves. The person you sit next to on a park bench is an international buyer for a major coffee chain, or maybe they have been playing the oboe for 30 years. The person in the next room in the retirement home is a veteran with multiple honors and a set of very colorful nicknames. The person behind you in line at the grocery store had an upbringing so vastly different than yours that you could ask them questions for hours and still feel you were just scratching the surface. Your neighbors are fluent in multiple languages. Your coworker in their 60s can make a perfect three-point shot every time. Treat everyone like they're fascinating — because they are, and so are you.



A 4  minute video, Haunted Swamp, here
Just because ...




Monday's Smiles ...  




(I was in #2 group)







elenor said...

What an encouraging 2GN2S story, Jacki. This wasn't possible when we were kids. Many things were just different. Better or worse, that's hard to tell.

Carrol Wolf said...

You always impress. Love, love, love that!

jacki long said...

Thank you Elenor, yes there are so many technical improvements but it seems matched by all the craziness? I often thingk of the studies where they put too many peaceful mice in the same cage and they turned on each other and it was awful.

jacki long said...

HI Carrol, thanks for commenting, you are always impressive at so many things! True!