Monday, February 24, 2025

Day 4565: Austria Photos to the rescue & Sleepy Update.


"Turmoil": collage, acrylics & digital.


Want music?


Click: Steve Wonder, Don't You Worry. 



"Coming to my rescue again, good friend and artist, Elenor sent new photos. She says, "Last weekend we spent in Klosterneuburg, a town with nearly 30000 inhabitants which is located on the Danube, immediately north of the Austrian capital Vienna. It is a place full of history. It is already mentioned In the Roman era (1st to 5th centuries). In the middle-ages the Habsburg king Albert I granted town privileges to Klosterneuburg in 1298. The monastery dates back to the 13 th. century and is still important nowadays."

"It is a really beautiful town with old houses, many gardens and a beautiful surrounding area. It’s a place where you want to live."

"See how coffee is served with one of our doughnuts?"

I feel so lucky that Elenor shares Austria with us, and she always seems to send photos when I am really in need. Thank you, Elenor.

The blog is arriving a little late today. 
I helped at our Demura Cup tournament yesterday. 

I got up at 5:30 to be at the venue by 8AM, left the venue at 8PM.
GrandChampions, Mens & Womens, Kata and Kumite

When I got home I started to work on finishing this blog, but I was so sleepy...

 and eventually fell asleep while at the computer. I decided to go to bed, and try again this morning. I fear I am too old for long days?

But, sometimes I can't.


A 2+\ minute video,Valley of Lost Ants  , here

Just because ...

Golden Palm Weaver


Monday's Smiles ... 




elenor said...

Oh, Jacki, that wasn't just a long day, that was an extremely long day. Who wouldn't be exhausted after so many busy hours? So it's not the age it's the many hours.
I'm so glad I could help out. I'm so grateful you create an interesting and inspiring blog each day. I really admire you for doing this for us. Thank you!

jacki long said...

Thank you, Eenor. I think doing this daily blog helps keep me alert and learning., so like journaling, it has similar benefits. Please take good care of you.