Friday, February 21, 2025

Day 4562: Year of the Snake Playful Illustration & Surprise homecoming.


"Hoping for Peace":Collage, Photo, Digital.


Want music?


Click: Babyface, Just My Imagination 



The Year of the Snake in Playful Illustration

All images © Mary Maka

Widely celebrated in China and cultures across Asia, Lunar New Year is one of the most important holidays, marked by the new moon that appears between January 21 and February 20. This year, the celebration fell on January 29, and in accordance with the zodiac, 2025 ushered in the Year of the Snake.

Mary Maka ran with the motif in a new series of illustrations dedicated to the annual event, exploring character design and experimenting with a range of shapes. Combining botanical elements and an interest in animation, her dynamic creatures writhe and twist, sometimes incorporating plant-like traits like cacti spikes and flowers into serpentine compositions.

Of the twelve zodiac animals, the snake may be the most tenacious, associated with the element fire. People born under the sign are said to be resilient, intelligent, resourceful, and determined. Maka’s digital portraits capture various unexpected characteristics, from a fork-tongued green cat to a berry-tailed rattler.

Through humorous depictions of serpents shaped like cats, fruit, desert flora, and creatures out of science fiction, Maka embraces new ideas and juxtapositions. Still in draft form, additional vipers try on the guises of a genie, cowboy, and others. 

See more on her website, Behance, and Instagram
(I am the year of the snake,1941) TMI?

I had a wonderful week in Henderson, but it was time to fly home. JSX, 45 minutes, no security, your checked bag is waiting for you when you deplane.

taxiing to take off

leaving Las Vegas

And if you're really lucky, you're met by Johnny and Cheryl Barro who drove me home.

Well, almost. I went to the garage and found this ...

white is painted wall surface
the ceiling is saturated

ceiling, soaked paint hanging down
terrazzo tile, 1/2" standing water

Could have been worse (my bedroom?)

Actually I didn't get angry, I wanted to cry. I had planned to unpack, then take a nap. After sending a text for sympathy, I called my insurance for a homeowners claim, then called the Restoration company who is coming at 8 tomorrow morning (they said to leave the mess and they will clean up everything) I sent the team photos and he responded "Oh no!!" Left a message to the plumber who specializes in leak detection. Then called WW & SM to brag, as I am a procrastinator, big time! I still haven't taken a nap or unpacked, but the unpacking is next, washing my gi for tomorrow, then pjs, popcorn and bed. Amazing what we can do when we have to?


A 7 minute video, Lost Sheep, here

Just because ...

Chestnut-headed Bee-eater


Friday's Smiles ... 

Nebraska 60-70mph wind



marilyn said...

Oh No! What a mess. Sorry that happened. The pictures of Las Vegas were awesome. It's amazing how that city grew out of the desert. Thanks for your everyday blog.

elenor said...

Oh dear, what a bad surprise. Jacki, I'm so sorry that coming home was so terrible. I hope everything will be fixed as soon as possible - before the weekend?.
Wishing you the very best.

jacki long said...

No, thank you, Marilyn, your kind words help more than you know. Miss you.

jacki long said...

Thanks so much, Elenor. Yes it is a mess, but I try to remember, it could have been worse. It could have been my bedroom! Things can always be worse. It won't be a quick fix, as the ceiling is saturated, but ...