Thursday, February 13, 2025

Day 4554: WonderWomanin OC, & Throwback Thursday.

"Frustration": ink brush



Want music?


Click:  Chris Janson, It Can Buy Me A Boat



WonderWoman is in Orange County with some appointments and people to see. She and I ate at ...

Shin Sen Gumi

Monday evening, in fact I am eating some of their Takana Rice as I work on this blog.

WW @ Shin Sen Gumi

Tuesday we had appointments, and went to ...

Bloomingdale's and I was kinda fascinate by the pale ladies, I guesses maybe they were tourists and came to get a tan? Three more stops then we came home to read. WW took this photo, but I really did read.

I was just resting my eye. I finished this book, gifted to me by Rad Nana, it was excellent. 

Throwback Thursday ...

After a Demonstration in 1984

Kristie Koch, Erin Long, Demura Sensei, Nanette Taylor 

Taro Miyazawa, jacki Long, Joshua Taylor


A 2+ minute video, Amazing, How its made, here

Just because ...

Chihuahuan Raven


Thursday's Smiles ... 





elenor said...

What a beautiful lady your daughter is, Jacki. How lovely to see you both together.
Such a nice Throwback Thursday photo! Already such a long time ago ....

jacki long said...

Thank you Elenor, as always you are so kind, I really appreciate you.Take care.