Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Day 4553: Illustrated Tunnel Books & Step-by-Step postcard.


"Directions" : junk collage & digital


Want music?


Click:  Michael Jackson, Don't Stop.



Illustrated Tunnel Books

by Shelley Aldrich

“Narnia Tunnel Book” (2024), open

Inspired by theatrical stage sets, one innovation that rose to popularity in the 18th century was the tunnel book. Known at the time as “peep shows,” the art form combined storytelling with numerous layers that, when opened up, created the illusory effect of depth and perspective. Typically small and delicate, the scenes frequently depicted figures in a range of landscapes and commemorated special events.

“Narnia Tunnel Book” (2024), open

For self-taught illustrator Shelley Aldrich, the tradition inspires an ongoing series of vibrant books and folded visual narratives. Using primarily watercolor and gouache, she paints flowers and text that nod to folk tales and famous stories, like The Chronicles of Narnia and The Hobbit

“Highgrove Tunnel Book” (2024)

“Recently, I have been discovering vintage paper art that is rarely seen except in museums,” Aldrich says. “I can’t wait to figure out all the techniques, mash them together and make modern pieces that have never been combined before.” She is currently experimenting with the possibilities of combining tunnel books with Victorian puzzle purses, which were used as a means of exchanging private or romantic messages that could be encased in intricate folds.

Detail of “Narnia Tunnel Book”

Shakespearean sonnet combination puzzle purse and tunnel book, closed

 I hope, with my art, to evoke the childlike wonder and hope that is in all of us.” Find more on the artist’s website and Instagram.

Valentine's Day is coming Thursday 
and there is a questionnaire on FB today, about you and your significant other.  Okay, here goes ...

Here’s my/our story: My Mac Pro and me.

How you met: the Apple Store.
First date: My office.
How many years together: 41 years (different models)
Who was interested first: Definitely me.
Who is taller: Me.
Difference in age: 79+ years
Who said I love you first: I think me. 
Most impatient: definitely me
Most sensitive: me, for sure. 
Loudest: me.
Cooks better: me, when I do.
Better morning person: him.
Best Driver: me.
Most competitive: probably me?

(me & my significant other)

Another request for a Step-by-Step

Magazine scraps on postcard-size heavy paper.

As I go along, I often cover part of previous work.

Nothing great, but more scraps saved from the landfill.


A  5+  minute video, Go Blue, Go, here

Just because ...

Spotted Towhee


Wednesday's Smiles ... 





elenor said...

Thanks for another lovely step-by-step, Jacki!
Can you believe I already made some puzzle purses a few years ago? I can't remember how I found out about them. All of my friends and family got a small one. They were cute gifts.
A little tunnel book would make another great project. Thanks, Jacki, for this inspiration.

jacki long said...

Yes, I just mailed Valentines to 10, they will be late but I hope the thought counts.