Friday, February 14, 2025

Day 4555: Happy Valentines Day & Henderson, NV.

"Small Victories": junk collage, digital.



Want music?


Click:  Marvin Gaye, After the Dance.



I collect hearts, so today, I will share some with you?

I tried to think if I could remember any special Valentine's Day? I couldn't. My significant other, my Mac Pro laptop isn't into flowers or romantic acts, so it's pretty quiet around here. 

Do you have a special Valentine's Day memory? I hope you'll share with me? I am sharing 21 of my

very favorite hearts, all sorts of hearts ... 



Debra Abshear

Jane Davies



I rode with WonderWoman Thursday morning. We had rain the whole way, but not heavy. I love the rain. I mentioned it once and Demura Sensei and he said that it suited my personality!

But, back to Orange County in time for ...

More Demura Cup Information :


A 4+ minute video,  Fly Hunting, here

Just because ...

White-eared Sibia


Friday's Smiles ... 






marilyn said...

Happy Valentine Day to you. I love all of your hearts. I hope I get chocolate today. Thanks for the everyday greetings from you.

elenor said...

Happy Valentine Day, Jacki! You know, we didn't celebrate Valentine Day when I was young? Maybe the last 10 - 20 years it got popular.
I love your collection of hearts.
How wonderful you could spent time with your daughter.
Tomorrow we go to visit my younger son with girl friend. My older son with family will also come, so we all will be together again. We stay with there for some days so I don't know when I'll have time and opportunity to comment on your blog.
Have a happy weekend, Jacki!

Anonymous said...

What a great valentines day blog! thanks, and Love, Lois Olsen

jacki long said...

Ah Marilyn, thanks so much. I am so glad you liked the hearts, I actually have more, but it already looks like I went overboard. I hope you had a special Valentines Day too.

jacki long said...

Lois! Thank you, thank you, it is just wonderful to hear from you. Just to see your name makes me smile with great memories. Please take good care.

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, you are always so kind to comment, please don't ever feel like you have to comment. I will be happy that you are with your beautiful family. Enjoy!