Monday, August 5, 2024

Day 4362: Layers of Porcelain, I used to be a Potter?


"Restricted": junk collage, inks.


Want music?


Click : Tevin Campbell, Tomorrow


Innumerable, wafer-thin layers of porcelain ripple into the collapsed sides of Olivia Walker’s vessels. The Devon-based artist throws small bowls on the wheel before affixing countless fragments that appear to rupture and spread across the forms. Layers are attached while leather-hard, the perfect pliability for sculpting growths evocative of fungi, coral, and other organisms.

For wall-based works, Walker collaborates with her partner Ben. These pieces meld the porcelain shards of the vessels with tadelakt, a naturally waterproof plaster made of lime. The smooth surface slowly gives way to the delicate porcelain layers, which appear to consume the flat planes with voluminous, undulating textures.

Walker is currently in the middle of a few large-scale commissions, many of which reference landscape and harvest, and she has a few pieces available from Make Hauser & Wirth Somerset. Keep an eye on the artist’s Instagram for updates.

Seeing Olivia Walker's beautiful work in porcelain, brought back memories of when I worked in clay and porcelain in my garage. Over four decades have passed and I think my hands have just now recovered from the drying clay. And the sediment in the heavy grog of my preferred stoneware that resulted in lots of tiny cuts. Like most setbacks, when you get far enough past, they seem worth it?
So, eons ago, after ten years of marriage and teaching, we had a baby girl.  I became a stay at home mom.  That was so hard.  For my sanity, I started doing ceramics in my garage during nap-time and at night. This grew into a small business, Superslop!

I had sales twice a year.  By invitation (below) only.  
Amazing to me now, but it worked.


After being in a design show at the Blue Whale in LA, I began to sell to a few decorators and two department store chains. Over the years I have lost some of the product line photos,  just the faces line to share here.


You may notice the white areas, it was Porcelain, used with Stoneware, uncommon at the time.

Two of my favorites were Laurel and Hardy. 



All of the above are long gone, I kept only two so-so pieces.



A really cute 4+ minute video, Happiness,  here

Just because ...
Striped Manakin, male



Monday's Smiles ...  









irene said...

Hello Jacki, I had forgotten that you worked in porcelain. Another of your numerous talents. I would have loved to see your pieces! xo Irene

jacki long said...

Thanks Irene, it was another lifetime ago that coincided with WW growing up.. One time was sitting on the wheel throwing pots , when my eye caught movement. We always left the walk through door from the garage open for the dog. I looked to where I thought the movement was, and sure enough there was a little grey mouse. I picked up a wad of clay and threw it to scare him, but it hit and he didn't move. I was amazed at my aim, but didn't mean to kill him. I knew I should dispose of him, but I decided to wait for Dave when he came home. When we got home, I told him and he said, "if you were able to hit it, it must have been half dead already! ;op When he got something to pick it up, it ran away! I just copied this and used it for tomorrow's update, thanks for jogging this overloaded memory, Irene. A big help.

elenor said...

Jacki, you made such beautiful things in clay and porcelain! You are a talented artist in many ways. It's always interesting to read your blog!

jacki long said...

Thanks you Elenor, seem a hundred years ago, they are antiques now. Thanks again for your kind words.