Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Day 4364: Mythical Cut Paper Collages, a feel good moment ...


"Advancing": junk & tissue collage



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Mythical Cut Paper Collages 

Morgana Wallace began making cut paper collages after her interest was sparked during a monotype session in printmaking class. Wallace was most attracted to the texture of cut paper compositions, especially with unique materials like wallpaper samples. Currently her work revolves around female heroines and mystical beasts, adding detail to her characters with banners and leaves that float around the subjects’ heads and torsos.

Wallace often uses Japanese linen paper in her work because of her attraction to its texture, mixing it with Canson thin card stock to create her characters’ flowing hair. Other materials used in her works include X-ACTO knives, water colors, gouache, and pencil crayons. To create depth and shadows she also uses foam board which adds to the painterly quality of her scenes.

A feel good moment ...

A group of high school students have designed and built a wheelchair stroller attachment so that people with disabilities can walk their babies. The idea was born when students at the Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland, discovered that one of their teachers was expecting a baby. Her husband uses a wheelchair, and it was going to be tough for him to get in on some precious parenting moments. The students put an intense amount of thought into the project, taking into account the terrain around the dad-to-be's house and making sure the design was something he could operate independently. 

They also wanted to make the design simple and affordable, so other families could replicate one. The result is the "WheeStroll," a simple wheelchair attachment that allows parents to place their baby safely in front of them as they wheel around. 


A 3+ minute video, Picasso,  here

Just because ...

Stand Hill Cranes


Wednesday's Smiles ...  









My Painted Garden said...

Love this beautiful and joyful post.

elenor said...

Jacki, I never mention your "Just because ...." pictures of birds. They are always so cute and I love them.
And then I saved your last smile. Thanks, Jacki!

Carrol Wolf said...

Jacki, your art is lovely and colorful, as per usual, the cut outs are amazing and I will be showing it to my grandson. I loved the Picasso video and always get a couple of laughs from your humor and wisdom.

jacki long said...

Thanks Carrol, I am always amazed by the talented artists I find. Inspiring!

jacki long said...

Thank you Carrol,