Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Day 4385: Woodpecker Preparations and Happy Birthday, Dad.

"Constant Change": junk collage, digital.


Want music?


Click : Luther Vandross, Dance with My Father





Preparing for Winter, No Procrastination here.

A woodpecker preparing for winter starts by finding a dead tree and meticulously making holes to store acorns. 

Each hole is carefully crafted; if it's too large, other birds can easily steal the acorns, and if it's too small, the acorns can break and spoil.

By the end of summer, the woodpecker's precise work is complete. The ripened acorns are placed in the holes, with a single large tree trunk capable of holding around 50,000 acorns, ensuring the bird has enough food for a satisfying winter

Happy Birthday, Dad

I've been thinking about my Dad's birthday. 
Today would be his 116th birthday.
Dad died 30 years ago, at age 86.

Dad and his Grandma, old photo, digital collage

He always said he had the best childhood.

Dad, age 5 at the fishing hole.

Later he lived through the depression & was forever changed and frugal. He never smoked or drank. I never heard him swear except once, when he was teaching me to drive & I popped the clutch!

My dad was a driver, Greyhound buses & later he chauffeured movie stars to work & back home. He had a lot of name dropping stories. As a young man he made the Olympic diving team only to get TB and had to miss and spend time in recovery.                    A heartbreak. 

Fathers Day, 1974

He had wanted a boy, but got me.
He always, only called me Jack.

Dad, age 80, Hong Kong 

In 1990 Dad took me on a three week, 5-star trip to the Orient. Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, China, JoJakarta, Bali, Singapore, Korea, I never saw him happier that the picture above, where we were on a junk (boat) on Hong Kong Bay, "just like in the movies". He loved to dance & tell stories, he was skilled at both.


A 4+  minute video,  Acrobatics, here

Just because ...
Australian Magpie



Wednesday's Smiles ...  








Irene Rafael said...

The way I save things, I must be part woodpecker. Right now I am going thru photos and carefully putting them in an order that makes sense, at least to me. I love this story of your dad best of all, of your trip together, of him and his favorite stories. No details are too many. Thank you, Jacki. You are a treasure to me. xo Irene

Anonymous said...

I love hearing about Grandpa Glen. 🥰so handsome! Love these pictures!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Irene
Lovely post

elenor said...

I too agree with Irene. I like how you honor your dad. Jacki, I think I now understand why your dad was so happy in Hong Kong. It was because he was able to spent 3 weeks with you in such interesting places. For me my 9 day holidays in spring in inspiring Milano where we met our son each day has been the happiest time for me for a long time. Don't you think, that's pretty much the same reason?

jacki long said...

Thank you, Irene, you always make me feel like I am on track. I am always worried of saying too much. Can' wait to see you on the 15th, Have a great birthday on the 14th!

jacki long said...

Thank you Anonymous, if you want to leave initials with your post, that would help me a lot. ;o)

jacki long said...

By Grandpa Glenn, I know you are a relative, Anonymous! Right? Thanks.

jacki long said...

Yes, you are right, Elenor, my Dad said the trip was so he could be with me for three weeks. I am grateful for that time now. Thanks again.