Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Day 4420: Shogun, the Series, The $100 bill.


"Abandoned": junk collage, digital.


Want music?


Click:  Main Title: SHOGUN





Good friend, Irene Rafael suggested I feature Demura Sensei's part in the very successful and popular tv series, Shogun. So, of course I will.
Demura Sensei's Canadian student, Lash Lash-Larou, who became one of the movie industries top stunt men and co-ordinators, asked Demura Sensei to be a technical advisor during the filming. Period movies need to be correct technically and Demurs Sensei accepted, along with one of his long-time students, Kevin Suzuki as his assistant. Sensei in a wheel chair could direct the actions, Kevin was able to demonstrate and help the actors, stuntmen and stuntwomen.


Kevin said the cast fell in love with Demura Sensei, impressed by his great knowledge and humor, and all called him Sensei. This didn't surprise us, as this is what always happens.

Lash Lash Larou

Hiroyuki Sanada

Kevin said, "Lauro asked me to take behind the scenes photos since his behind the scenes people weren't there the 1st week. He liked what I did so the 2nd week lauro said to continue what I was doing. Over 500 photos."

Kevin: "The best one I like is with the top stunt guys. They were hired from Japan. The 3 of them all have been in the stunt business 30+, 40+, and 40+ years. It was Sensei's and my last night before coming home. Lauro took us to dinner and the three Japanese stunt men just happen to be there. I know 2 of the 3 recieved Emmies last month for Shogun. Outstanding Stunt Performance - 2024 Hiroo Minami and Nobuyuki Obikane plus two other. The scene had others (maybe 17) working in the scene but unfortunately only maximum of 4 can be nominated."

Kevin: "Here's a few pictures: our trip and Shogun boot camp.

Sensei always smiled with a pretty girl!

The $100 bill ...

Everytime I post something about family, I worry that it is too much?  But it is difficult to find something everyday for 4420 days in a row. So, with that disclaimer, let me repeat a "Zack" (Grandhunk #3) story. 

About ten years ago, WonderWoman left Jake (Grandhunk#2) at   home alone while she made a quick trip to the grocery. Jake had had a birthday recently, and had a $100 bill. He said he would give Zack (GH#3) the $100 if he would let hm shave off an eyebrow. Zack agreed. $100 richer, and it did grow back. Zack will be 24 this week.


A 5+ minute video,  Pizza Delivery Surprise,  here.

Just because ...


Brown Frillback Pigeon



Wednesday's Smiles ...  








elenor said...

Loved each bit of today's blog, Jacki! The great collage, the Shogun story - had seen and loved the film from the 1980 ies with Richard Chamberlain - and the Zack-story. Thanks you for this lovely blog!

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor for liking it, that always my goal.