Sunday, October 6, 2024

Day 4424: Japan's Wara Art Festival, Otanjobei Omedeto GH#3.

"Tank": junk collage, ink



Want music?


Click: Chicago, Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?




"Farmers Drain Rice Fields"

Fall in Japan is in full swing and this is the time of year when water is drained from the rice paddies and preparations for the harvest are made.

 “Thunder God” is said to be responsible for Niigata’s unique climate, where figs, strawberries, grapes and other fruits of the gods grow

 Around this time of year the rice harvest becomes a big deal, as well as the tons of rice straw, or wara, that is leftover. It can be plowed down as soil improver, fed to livestock, or even woven into decorative ornaments. But before any of that, for the past 10 years Uwasekigata Park has hosted a Wara Art Festival by teaming up with art students to create creatures, both real and mythical, from rice straw.

 “Wind God” is depicted here enjoying Niigata sake and leaning back on an empty bottle

This year, art students constructed a total of 5 giant wara sculptures each modeled after a mythical creature with ties to the region. There’s a thunder god, wind god, cat yokai, spirit duck and giant snake. The 2024 Wara Art Festival is on view through October 31, 2024. It’s located within the grounds of Uwasekigata Park.

 “Nekomata,” a type of cat yokai, stands in protection of the people of Niigata. 

A “Spirit Duck” depicted, as local legend has it, healing a broken wing in a hot spring

The “Giant Snake” has incredible power over water and lubricates the land, sometimes to disastrous ends


Maybe too much family?


One of the many things I love about Grandhunk #3 is ...

This is a really cool kid. Of course I am biased.
But, if you knew him you'd say the same.

Zack, at 4 looked like me at 4. 

Youngest of three great grandsons, 
Zack is funny, smart and everything else.

... don't all Grandma's draw on their grandson's toes?

He used WonderWoman's phone to text himself this message ...

 I told him once,  " act all cool and stuff ...
but you're a marshmallow inside." 
He smiled and said, "don't tell anybody."

Three boys so close in age and friendship, 
there is always something funny going on.

while WonderWoman was shopping, note the shoes?
Six years ago Zack posted this text to his Dad...


Jordan & Zack at Grandma TLC's
I am so blessed to watch this family grow.




Knowning this young man since he made his entrance, 
24 years ago, loving every minute of watching him grow into a fine, tall, strong, funny, compassionate, great young man.
(not too biased)
Happy 24th Birthday, Zack!

Grandhunk #3, I love you endlessly.


A 1+  minute video,  Jazz Frog,  here

Just because ...
Northern Bald Ibis



Sunday's Smiles ...  











elenor said...

Best birthday wishes to your Grandson Zack. He's amazing - as you show in each pic, Jacki. And no, not too much family. Thank you for sharing.
My older son get's 45 tomorrow. We already celebrated his birthday a week ago and will calling him in the morning. What a gift to have such kind people in our families.

Anonymous said...

I love all these pics of Zack! I carefully enjoyed them twice! Everything you say about him is true! & yes, you & zack at 4 are twins!

jacki long said...

Thank you dear Elenor, yes , the love of family is so nourishing.

jacki long said...

Thank you, "Anonymous"! No name oe initials?