Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 1238: Gotta hot date tonight !!!

Christmas card for a friend, junk mail collage

You probably know or maybe surmised,
I don't date, haven't in years and years.
I get along pretty well on my own.
I am an only child so I was raised to function alone.
My significant other, my Mac Pro, is a good guy.
He and I are aging together ...
both running out of memory at about the same pace.
Oh, I digress (so often) ...
I have a hot date tonight!
I will get home late and tired, so ...
I won't be able to tell you about it till Thursday.
I hope you'll stop by then for all the juicy details?
Yep, I am going to spill the beans.
After all, it doesn't happen often ...
and I want to have a record.

Here's the interactive part ...
tell me who and what you think the date was like?
You do have a mental image, right? So tell me.
Closest or most creative will win "something".
Go for it, make my day!

A smile for Wednesday ...

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