Wednesday, January 1, 2025

4511: Austria's Hoarfrost & Happy New Year, 2025.

"Doubt": junk collage, ink, digital.



Want music?


Click: Isley Brothers, Shout!




I received gorgeous photos of Austria, from friend and artist, Elenor, always a treat! Elenor said, "Hallo Jacki, today was a wonderful day here in my region of Austria. The high fog lifted in the morning and all of the landscape was covered with hoarfrost. Not a bit of snow, only hoarfrost. It was simply magic. I thought I should send you some pics from our walk." I had never heard the term hoarfrost: a grayish-white crystalline deposit of frozen water vapor formed in clear still weather on vegetation, fences, etc.

Beautiful scenes from Austria, and a new word, 
Win - Win! Thanks so much for sharing your country, talent & thoughtfulness.
Thank You, Elenor!

Feeling sentimental. And blessed. 

I've been retired (but still busy) for thirteen years. 

I still hear from former students at this time of year. Some are still in school, working or in college. Some have graduated from college, several with master degrees. Several CPA's out there. A professional baseball coach, a music creator for film, a lawyer, a dentist, my hairdresser, a chef and more. Many are married, many have families and pets to show me. Just a few are retired and also busy.  I smile as I read every word. Wonderful memories surface. I smile again as I think of their futures. 



A 3  minute video, Recycled art , here

Just because ...

Montezuma Quail


Wednesday's Smiles ... 






Lynn said...

Beautiful pictures Eleanor. They remind me of Alaska and the first time I saw Ice fog. The air literally shimmered with ice crystals and they were all over the trees and landscape. Such an ethereal sight. Lovely quote from Neil Gaimen. Happy New Year Jacki.

elenor said...

Thank you so much for your kind words, Lynn, and thank you, Jacki, for your kindness and sharing my poor pics . I'm happy you like them and you discovered a new, strange world.
Wishing you a happy new year, health and enough energy to go on with your wonderful work and your daily blogs which bring so much delight to me. Thank you, Jacki

jacki long said...

Yes, I agree, Elenor's photography is stellar. Hoarfrost was new to me.

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, you are always so kind. WonderWoman, Lynn and others mentioned your beautiful photos. Wishing you the happiest, healthiest, funniest New Year in 2025.