Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 183: Back to Xanthipee!

I thought I was done with Xanthippe. I really did.
I knew today would have a rough start.
At 8AM, a dental root canal extraction.
I was warned the procedure would be difficult. 

But while in Dr. Bassiri's chair I got a voicemail 
from James, "You've been hacked."
The calls, e-mails and texts began.

In essence, from an e-mail address I don't have,
apparently sent to everyone I know ... 
I was in Manilla and needed $2000 immediately!

I wasn't thinking about the noisy extraction.

An ice pack on my jaw as I drove home,
mentally planning my strategy. 
Once home I looked in the mirror only to see a
 worried, swollen chipmunk-Xianthippe!

After contacting the credit union, and credit card ...
I sent out an apologetic e-mail.

Cousin Nancy, quickly e-mailed back ...
"sounds like a Xanthippe day to me",
and I did indeed "laugh out loud."

Demura Sensei called, saying ...
"jacki, I didn't know you were in Manilla?"

Former student Robert, warned ...
"Don't eat the little chickens in Manilla!"


I know they say when given lemons make lemonade ... 
and I am trying.

Trying to be a smiling Xanthippe.


Marilyn said...

Happens to the best of us. Hope you have recovered from your root canal.

jacki long said...

Swelling is down, but am on amoxycillin which I hate! But life goes on.

Judy Todd said...

Root canal is so stressful, and then all that on top. Amazing how you keep positive!

jacki long said...

I do try. The downs and the humor positives comes in waves, but I do try. Thanks so much for commenting Judy, I really love comments.

Linda said...

You should still visit Manilla for real though...

jacki long said...

Well Linda, my passport has expired, but I have been to
Jojakarta, Indonesia. ;o)

jacki long said...

Well Linda, my passport has expired, but I have been to
Jojakarta, Indonesia. ;o)