Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 2: Today should be easier ...

Today should be easier, but it is definitely harder. 
I now know how much I didn't know yesterday.
First of all, "kaizen" needs clarity. 
I learned it to mean to try a little harder each day. 
I have used the term with my students in the past. 
I like it because it is doable. And so, I will try to do a little better
each day as I bumble through blog-land.

I am told I need a tag or a label so you will know 
what this blog is about, so here's my plan.

Today I went to my eldest grandson's freshman basketball tournament. As we sat in the bleachers before the game, I gazed down at his amazing tennis shoes.  I whipped out the i-phone and took a couple of Instagrams so you could see.

These are size 13-1/2 and he is 14 years young.  How amazing to have your shoe size and age almost the same. Then I began to smile. Imagine if my shoe size matched my age. I like to smile.


Marilyn said...

I surely would not want my shoe size to be the same as my age!!!!

ESJ said...
