Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Day 4573: Bittersuite by Billie Eilish & Shared Joy.

"Attacked": photo, junk collage.


Want music?

   Click: Chaka Khan, I Feel For You.



CDK CO. Makes a Contemporary Art Museum to Billie Eilish’s ‘Bittersuite’

Championing the next generation of dancers in The Netherlands, CDK Company(previously) has made a name for itself through large-scale interpretations of pop music involving numerous dancers in playful, themed outfits. For the group’s latest video, director and choreographer Sergio Reis and team took on Billie Eilish’s “Bittersuite” from her 2024 album Hit Me Hard and Soft.

Set among paintings and installations in Museum Voorlinden, three dozen performers don pastel garments evocative of 1960s fashion, all wearing identical dark, bowl cut wigs.

Whether moving through a gallery of paintings by Michaël Borremans, stationed inside a 4-meter-high Corten steel sculpture by Richard Serra, or synchronizing around the edge of Leandro Erlich’s “Swimming Pool,” CDK leads us on a vibrant, emotive journey through Eilish’s music and the museum’s art collection.

Find more on CDK’s website and dance along to more videos on Reis’s YouTubechannel.

Youtube Bittersuite (3 min) video: here

Shared Joy


A 1+  minute video,  Quentin Sanchez, here

Just because ...

Common Kingfisher


Tuesday's Smiles ... 





Carrol Wolf said...

Dear Jacki,

Another wonderful blog: of course you probably know that I love dancing. (Not my dancing - but watching others.) The first piece was fresh and new and was a pleasure to watch. And the fellow in the one minute video must have seen my morning routine, because I certainly recognized it: just sayin'. LOL!

elenor said...

Sometimes I wish some humans could have such a warm heart as these two sheep.
I know in my region live Common Kingfishers although I've never seen one in nature.
Jacki, I'll send today's first smile to my grandchildren. I think they already know enough English to understand this sweet joke.
Thank you for so much joy!

jacki long said...

Yes, I remember the gorgeous costumes that you made for your daughter. I was so honored to be shown still another of your many talents. That was a wonderful day and at the house you designed. I hope you are feeling rested? Please take good care.

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor. Yes, the 2 sheep story is so touching, animals outshine us, regularly. Please take good care of you.