Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 48: Everything is FOR SALE.

Maybe it's age, or mood?  
Though I don't think I am moody, anymore.  
Anyway, the fact is I want to simplify.

Don't you ever want to live simpler? With less?

 I've lived in a small home for the past seventeen years.
 But, I have too much stuff.  So, before I die, 
I plan to give, donate and sell everything.

No, I am not sick and don't expect to die anytime soon.
But, I have a lot of stuff!  So, I need to get started.

I told my plan to friend Mitchell. 
He said, "Oh, 断捨離 Dan Sha Ri ?"
He explains my idea to me, saying it is very
popular in Japan currently. No, I say. This is my idea.


Anonymous said...


-Mysterious 1st kyu.

jacki long said...

Wow Miss Megan!
5:06 AM?
On a Sunday morning?
I am so pleased you posted ...
and that you want dibs! ;o)
You're going to grow out of the "1st kyu",
but probably not the "mysterious"?

Tyler Kerce said...

The piece with the birds of paradise is so neat. I was thinking about life and control at 4 in the morning today and now I see you were doing the same recently! Thinking is worth losing sleep.

jacki long said...

Thanks Tyler, I a so glad you liked it. I did it a few years back, but the sentiments are still the same. ;o) Thanks so much for commenting, and I hope you'll stop by often?

TK said...

Yes, I will be by often!

Tyler said...

Yes, I will be by often!

jacki long said...

Thanks Tyler, I hope school is going well as you finish up. Take good care and please stop by again when time allows?